I know this town by heart
Every sidewalk says hello
Goodmorning Louisville, how are you?
It's been a while since I been here
Every sign reminds me
Of what I'm walkin' to find
A place of peace, a resting place
So come be the only one who knows me
And come be my hiding place, my safe refuge
Oh Bluegrass City....
That's a few of the lyrics from a song that I wrote about Louisville :)
So I've been here for a little over a day and it's been great! It's nice to just escape to that place where you can be a kid again and have Mamaw take care of you. My mamaw has already made me some southern home-cookin' (yummmm) and I played her the autoharp today (she's convinced I sound just like Doris Day) and she gave me these old Hymnals that were my Great-Grandmas from the 30's (AHHH!). But I'm honestly just enjoying the whole "being home and not doing work feeling." I'm currently listening to Elvis and watching my whole family playing hula-hoop with my little cousin Gracie. I spent all day with her and it was sooo fun and I couldn't help but think about all those little kids in Russia who don't get to have a childhood. I was hugging and kissing on her and I was wondering if they get hugged enough, or if they've ever even been hugged by someone that loves them. And the Lord broke my heart all over again.
Well, I don't have much to say, other than to ask all of you to take a moment, right now works, close your eyes and just feel our Heavenly Father embrace you, let Him hug you, remember how perfect it feels to be wrapped in His love. Go ahead.......
I want nothing more than for all those babies overseas to know and expereince that feeling. Well I'm going to go to bed, but here is a quick reminder: "The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' The LORD is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him." (Lamentations 3: 22-25)
Oh the prospects of tomorrow!
I miss you!! Hope you're having a marvelous spring break! Sounds like you are! I love that song - beautiful lyrics!! :) See you next week!!!
<3 Lauren
Thanks lovely lady! I am! and I miss you too! Can't wait to see you :)
Love love love!!!!!
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