"Missions aren't always about a 'heart-tug' but sometimes they're just about obedience...." Those were the words my pastor spoke one thursday night and I knew, I just knew that God was speaking to me. I've been in love with Russia since I was 8 and I've felt a calling on my life to go there and I always said "one day" but that night God spoke to me, and I realized there is no such thing as "one day". It's here and now, it's just about being obedient and going. So in the past month I have been searching in my heart to find the boldness to go to this country that I have fallen in love with. (Can you fall in love with a place you've never been to?) So with the help of my pastor and a ton of encouragement from the Lord I have embarked on this journey to be His hands and feet in a country that knows very little about His faithfulness. So needless to say this is just the beginning, and I hope you will continue on this journey with me....
I've never written a blog before, so it might be rough starting out :) BUT....I shall do my best! I'm going to keep this post short, 1) because I'm at work and the office is about to close (oops) and 2) I don't want to scare anyone off with my overwhelming excitement about Russia and this crazy journey I'm experiencing. I promise to elaborate much more on the point of this blog next time, but until then...
Many Many Blessings,

"Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared." Exodus 23:20
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!! This was super fun to create with you!! : )
:)You are wonderful!
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