Free-Spirited. Apparently that is what I am, which is basically a nice way of saying "Brittany, even though we love you, you are extremely irresponsible." And I have discovered that this Characteristic does not go hand-in-hand with a career. Problem? some would say yes, I say absolutely not! Since I currently only have four followers on here and all of you know my extreme desire to play music like a nomadic hippie for the rest of my life, would agree that a typical career is just not a realistic possibility for me. So anyway, I'm saying all this to disclaim the fact that I QUIT my job. shew. I said it, it's official. So anyway, I have spent all day trying to relish in this new-found freedom...a day in the life of a recently unemployed "me":
My oldest sister, Lyndsey came to visit and we decided to blow our money in my favorite upscale resturant....Chic-fil-a. After a completely uneventful meal we made our way to the mall, discovering that we are both too poor to actually enjoy the mall. So I did the complete opposite of what I had set out to do....I APPLIED for another job. Apparently I have not learned my lesson. Then after this fascinating day (I'm hoping you all have caught on to my sarcasm) I came home to find that my PC hates me. It caught a virus or something and just died. No more computer. And no money to fix it. :( However despite the uneventful reality of my life, my day is ending on a high note. I'm sitting here drinking my favorite Organic Chai tea and listening to Bob Dylans "Freewheelin" on vinyl, it doesn't get much better than this. I also talked to a friend of mine and I'm recording some of my music on friday, which is pretty exciting and offered a much needed silver lining.
But all in all I realized a pretty important thing today, that despite the reality of the world I live in, I have something so much greater to cling to, my Father in Heaven. He loves me so much that He has planned a future, a purpose for me, that is far greater than I can even begin to fathom. He loves me so much that even amidst that blah-ness of a bad day, He makes my heart leap for joy with the beauty of His words: "As you come to Him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious, you yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." 1 Peter 2:4-5
mmmmm....such a perfect reminder, He always see's me as more precious than I feel :)
Well friends, keep me in your prayers and please if you have any prayer requests or if I can be praying for you in anyway, leave me a comment and I'll be doing that! I love you guys, so take care and remember "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJ)
You should know that your "Free-Spirit" is a gift from God! I so wish I had more of that! That's why people are so drawn to you, because you dont give in to the pressure to be like everyone else. I really liked your post, you really have a gift to write. So happy to hear all that God is doing in your life, and the dreams He's given you at such a young age. Can't wait to hear more!
Thank you Mike! You're always so encouraging! I will definitely be checking out your blog, can't wait to see all the amazing things God is teaching you!
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