Today is my beautiful goddaughters birthday, so....HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY! (Isn't she adorable???) Lily you are amazing and such a blessing, it's unbelievable watching you grow and I pray your second year is even better than the first, love you!!!!
I feel like there are so many things I'm supposed to talk about, like well Russia for example. But I'm not even sure where to start, so I'm just going to give a brief overview of what I know for sure...which is not much :) Obviously I have felt this insane calling to go, so after an intense battle with meekness, the Lord filled with me the boldness to pursue going....cool...but I had no idea where to go from there. So when all else fails, seek someone much wiser, which in this case was my Young Adult pastor at my church. We met one day and he blew my mind with crazy wisdom and gave me, what else? deadlines. gulp. I suck at deadlines. BUT I guess this will give me a chance to practice all that diligence I've been praying for....So Here is the rundown: because there are no missions going from my church I have to find a way to go, so by March 3rd I have to have a list of groups/missions/organizations/movements that I might possibly feel a pull towards to go with. Guess what? It's Feb. 20th and I have 1. I'm great at this. (heavy on the sarcasm). I feel an intense pull to work with the 3.2 Million children that flood the streets of Russia annually. So I've been looking into working with All God's Children International. If you have an suggestions please feel free to let me know. The other deadline is April 3rd, I have to have contacted all the groups on the list and prayed about it and narrowed it down to one. *sigh* This is going to be a long two months. Keep me in your prayers friends!
In other news, I had an amazing day spent with a wonderful new friend of mine named Danielle. She lives in this sweet loft in Ghent (it's like the cool artsy area of Norfolk) and we walked to get brunch at this cute diner. We thrifted and walked and talked and had coffee and it was honestly just nice to be with someone my age who is clearly in love with the Lord and encouraged me so genuinely. She said two things today that really stuck with me, first she told me that I "radiated what it is to be a daughter of God", which is crazy because last night I was asking God what it means to be His daughter (God is good!) and she also told me that she felt I was "ripe for the picking". So awesome, definitely something to pray about! All in all, it was a day well spent!
"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God." Romans 8: 16
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